Aesthetic Skin Care Treatments


Aesthetic treatments can remove unwanted hair, treat skin laxity, scars, and wrinkles, and reduce spider veins. Furthermore, aesthetic procedures can sculpt your body by eliminating fat deposits for an overall healthier and more confident you.

However, medical aesthetics clinics prioritize cosmetic results while leaving more invasive procedures to licensed medical practitioners such as dermatologists.


Wrinkles are skin creases or folds over sun-exposed areas such as the face, neck, and hands. Wrinkles are part of the natural aging process and most commonly appear over sun-exposed regions; genetics primarily determine skin texture and color, while recreational sun exposure, smoking, pollution, and other environmental factors may accelerate wrinkle formation. Wrinkles can be divided into fine lines and deeper creases or folds.

Fine lines are shallow creases close to the skin’s surface and often form due to repetitive facial expressions like smiling, frowning, or squinting. Over time, they tend to deepen with age and could eventually result in permanent creases such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, or other permanent marks on your skin.

Fine lines result from impairment to normal cell renewal processes in the skin, leading to decreased moisture retention, production of oils, or healing capacity.

Antioxidants, retinol, and other prescriptions can help slow or delay fine line formation. Sleep reduces stress levels, and eating an abundance of vegetables and fruits can also aid in protecting against early skin aging.

Dermatology & Skin Health offers several effective wrinkle treatments, from injectables and noninvasive laser therapies to injectables like Botox Cosmetic and Dysport. Botox and Dysport injections at our practice relax the muscles responsible for facial creases to help smooth them out. At the same time, Juvederm and Restylane fillers add volume to the skin by decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. Please visit us to discover these and other available wrinkle therapies!


Acne is a skin condition caused by hair follicles and oil glands clogging with sebum, dead skin cells, and other debris. While acne strikes teenagers more than other age groups, anyone can be affected. Blackheads or whiteheads that appear without pain may lead to severe boils or pustules that become inflamed and painful; other triggers include hormonal fluctuations, stress medications, greasy cosmetics, or menstruation, which exacerbate the situation further.

Acne may not be life-threatening but can cause disfigurement, emotional distress, and low self-esteem. While no cure exists for acne, effective treatments exist that improve the appearance of blemishes and decrease breakout frequency; such methods include prescription topical medications; nonprescription products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide; in-office treatments like photodynamic therapy or Blu-U treatments, which use different wavelengths of light to destroy bacteria; as well as diet changes to exclude foods that exacerbate symptoms.

An aesthetic practitioner’s primary goal should be to improve the look and feel of their client’s skin and help them live fuller, happier lives. Achieving this objective involves understanding acne’s root cause to provide clients with tailored treatment modalities explicitly tailored to them.

Understanding the physiological process that causes inflammation is one of the critical aspects of aesthetic knowledge, as this enables aesthetic practitioners to incorporate strategies into consultations and treatments to reduce inflammation and enhance quality skin for clients – changing lives beyond appearances alone! For this reason, aesthetic practitioners need to learn how to include acne management strategies in their consultations.


People with medium to dark skin tones frequently experience spots and patches of darker hues due to excess production of melanin – the pigment responsible for giving skin its natural shade. These spots and patches may cover small or broad areas of the body and should not pose any health risks, though it can be stressful for those affected. Having such spots and patches is safe, but it can cause worry.

Hyperpigmentation has many causes. Some can result from skin injury or trauma, such as cuts, burns, abrasions, or surgical incisions; this form is known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and generally follows its original injury pattern. Other possible sources may be medications; certain drugs may increase melanin production or reduce its breakdown. Some cosmetics and plants can also contribute to hyperpigmentation; the most prevalent form is called Melasma.

Other causes for hyperpigmentation may include generalized dullness of the skin, also known as generalized hyperpigmentation. This condition may result from average UVB sun exposure or certain diseases like psoriasis and eczema; lentigines – brown spots caused by either aging or sunlight exposure – can also contribute to hyperpigmentation.

Avoiding and treating hyperpigmentation involves many strategies, but the first step should always be visiting a dermatologist. They will help identify its source before prescribing treatments that reduce melanin production while diminishing existing pigmentation. Sometimes, this takes time, while other times, more invasive procedures may be needed. Regular sun protection with SPF 30+ sunscreen application can also be effective against new spots as well as fade existing spots; pick free from picking at spots as picking can increase pigmentation levels further, as can topical creams containing lightening ingredients such as Kojic acid and glycolic acid for instance.

Fat Removal

Fat removal is a popular cosmetic skin care treatment to eliminate unwanted fat in the body. A surgeon will administer numbing medication before inserting a cannula into the area where you want to reduce fat accumulation; once in place, this tube will move around to break up or liquefy any build-up and eventually be extracted with suction or large syringe suction pipe or large syringe suction pipes or large syringe. KYBELLA fat reduction therapy destroys fat cells, which reduces double chin appearance significantly