Funny Jokes About Oranges


Oranges are a wholesome fruit that can be eaten, used as cleaners, and even used to defend against bullies. Oranges also make for hilarious jokes; whether the puns are silly, clever, or downright corny they will surely put a smile on your face and provide endless entertainment!

Articles can serve various purposes, but understanding your audience is of utmost importance in crafting messages that resonate and are meaningful to them.

1. Oranges are always late

Oranges were late for their party because they hadn’t kept an eye out on the road.

What do you call an orange that excels at playing the ukulele? A “uku-rind!”

Why were the oranges anxious about their performance? They feared receiving an unfavorable score.

How can I tell when an orange is ready to eat? When its color turns bright orange.

An orange with a red nose is considered to be a sourpuss, while one with green teeth could also qualify.

Oranges were rolling downhill. But their juicy bodies didn’t allow them to catch any wind currents, leaving them stuck along their journey.

As soon as the oranges reached the summit of their hill, they saw a boy waiting there. Deciding to share their fruit, each orange gave one of its segments to give to him before being thanked by him for being generous.

What do you call an orange with a green head? A sourpuss!

An orange-faced man was searching for love online using orange dating services but without success. Finally, he decided to try another approach.

Orange jokes can provide a delightful burst of humor. From shared text messages between friends to using them as pick-up lines or captions on social media posts – citrusy puns will have you laughing away in no time. So sit back, relax, and read these hilarious orange jokes to bring a bit of sunshine into your day.

2. Oranges can’t sing

Prepare to laugh at your life with this citrus-tastic collection of orange jokes! From playful orange punchlines to cheeky juice quips, these pun-tastic orange jokes are guaranteed to brighten your day a little more zesty.

What do you call an orange who always arrives on time everywhere? A clockwork orange. Why did he miss his kid’s birthday party on the other side of town? Because it was on that side. What did the orange do after being bullied? He beat himself into submission. What do oranges wear while camping? A tent-gerine. Why did the orange help an elderly lady across the road? To practice random acts of kindness.

Find hilarious orange jokes to satisfy your need for laughter here, from orange gourd humor to Broncos laughs! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy these hilarious puns that rhyme with tangerine instead of carrot – be sure to share these humorous videos with friends and family so they too can experience a dose of orange laughter – also subscribe for more hilarious videos from Box of Puns for even more laugh-inducing videos! Thanks for watching and have an excellent day ahead! — By David Em/Box of Puns

3. Oranges are always laughing

Oranges are enjoyed worldwide as delicious and healthy fruit sources full of vitamin C. But did you know they can also be amusing? Their puns can provide plenty of laughs; be sure to use these with caution and you will surely see a smile come across your face!

Orange jokes are entertaining and make any day more cheerful! So grab yourself a glass of orange juice, sit back, and prepare to laugh out loud! Here are some of our favorite funny orange jokes:

1. What term refers to an orange that always arrives punctually everywhere it goes? A clockwork orange.

2. What do you call an orange that loves dancing tango style? A tango orange!

3. Why did the orange and pineapple break up? Because one could no longer handle all of its tropical drama.

4. Why did the orange go to the gym? To stay tangerine-fit.

5. Why did the orange stop running downhill? Because its juice had run dry.

6. Why did the orange stop playing cards? Because he didn’t want to get squashed!

7. What is the term used to refer to an orange who acts comedically? A “ripe-ean”.

8. Why did the orange become a lifeguard? Because it needed extra money.

9. Why was an orange dismissed from a juice factory? Due to issues peeling well.

10. Why did the orange go to see its doctor? Because it felt uncharacteristically orangey.

Oranges are delicious citrus fruits that make for great sharing – next time you feel down or stressed out, reach for an orange and remember these puns to help brighten up your day!

4. Oranges are always zesty

Oranges are one of the world’s favorite fruits. Though native to tropical and subtropical areas, oranges are loved around the world as juice, snacks, cleaning products, and even sources of entertainment! But did you know they can also provide plenty of laughter?

Orange jokes can bring laughter and delight to anyone’s day! Sharing them with your friends, captioning social media posts, or using them as pickup lines are surefire ways to add zesty humor into any relationship – read on for some of the best orange puns and jokes!

Why did an orange help the elderly cross the road? Because it was kind. A group of oranges is known as a “grove,” and its incredible eyesight allows it to keep its eyes peeled for danger. What combination is created when mixing orange-flavored soda with twigs? Fantastik. And finally, why did she turn down her parents when proposing marriage to someone oranged? She wasn’t interested. Rubbing two oranges against one another results in “pulp friction.”

As soon as you see an orange, remember these amusing orange puns for a refreshing laugh and to help ease any rough patches in life. And if you find yourself feeling down, just think how refreshing it feels to find an entertaining piece that helps lift your spirits – sit back, laugh along, and soak up this zesty humor – you won’t regret it! Plus don’t forget to share these great puns with family and friends; everyone will thank you too. So let’s kick off our weekends right with some citrusy humor!

5. Oranges are a fruitful source of laughter

Oranges are one of the world’s favorite fruits. Delectable and nutritious, oranges serve numerous uses ranging from being used as an excellent source of Vitamin C to cleaning or scenting purposes. Plus they make orange juice which many enjoy sipping every day! In addition, their vibrant hue is fun to look at and offers many humorous orange jokes which will have you laughing out loud!

Orange jokes often involve puns or plays on words, which can bring laughter to any day and put a smile on your face. Popular examples of such puns are knock-knock jokes and jokes about oranges arriving late; many will have you laughing until your cheeks peel back with laughter!

Other humorous orange jokes involve how various ways you can use an orange. For instance, there is one such remark about an orange that reads, “You can peel it to see who’s at the door, use it as a fan, or put it in your mouth – this humorous comment will have you laughing out loud! This joke will have everyone in stitches.

There are plenty of hilarious and clever orange jokes out there, perfect for all audiences. Some feature puns or wordplay; others will make you giggle uncontrollably until your cheeks ache from laughing so hard they hurt! Some jokes may even contain explicit language which may not be suitable for younger children; however, there are numerous orange-related humor options suitable for them as well so take care when selecting.